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PostPosted: 28 Dec 2013, 07:58 
Posts: 193
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[url=]Forum Project Reality : Section PR2[/url]

Si quelqu'un est tenté.... Jeeeee? :P

Bon, pour vous replacer dans le contexte : Project Reality, c'est un M (Befield 2 à la Base,par après s'est exporté sur ArmA 2/3, développé par le studio Black Sand (indépendant), et qui est désormais plus que largement développé/amélioré par le travail de sa communauté.

Ils travaillent en ce moment sur une version stand-Alone et gratuite à jouer, Project Reality 2, et recherchent activement des modeleurs 3D, des programmeurs.... Tout ce qui peut les aider a avancer plus rapidement et efficacement sur le développement de leur Stand Alone. Bénévolement bien sur....

Donc si vous, ou une de vos connaissances, pourrait-être intéressée dans ce projet, ne serait-ce que pour avoir une expérience "professionnelle" dans le milieu, n'hésitez pas ! (Compréhension correcte de l'anglais plus que recommandée.....).
i de votre temps :)

[spoiler]We are looking for both experi, d interested to learn modellers with the necessary attitude and ambition to learn how to model and texture.

Members will be required to be able to check forums on a daily basis, and must have skype and teamspeak installed.

What are we looking for?

Experienced Members

3D Modellers

   Experienced with 3ds max / Maya / zBrush Workflow
  A(b create accurate 3d models from real world data
   Able to create LP / HP models
   Able to UV Unwrap models
   Work effectively as a team member
   Provide valuable constructive criticism on other team members models.
   Able to export from 3D programs to Cryengine (Not essential but desirable)
   Ability to texture would be excellent as well.

Environment Artist

   Experienced with Cryengine workflow
   Importing / Exporting objects to cryengine
   Able to create realistic looking environments based on real world data
   Ability to model props and generic assets (Not essential but desirable)

Prop Modellers

   Experienced with 3ds max / maya / Zbrush Workflow
   Create LP / HP models
   Able to UV unwrap mode, bility to texture models would be very handy
   Create realistic looking props for maps using real world data

Character Artists

   Experienced with 3ds max / maya / Zbrush Workflow
   Ability to texture models would be very handy
   Create life like representations of soldiers & Civilians

Non-Experienced Members

How will this work?

Members who are interested in joining the team, but have no previous or very little experience will be asked to contact myself via a PM with the following bit of information

Area of Interest - (3D modelling / Level Design / Programming / Textures etc)
Email -
Previous Experience - 3ds Max / Maya / Zbrush / Photoshop

I will then get back to the applicant with a response from the leads about what steps to take next. You will then be given your PR2 Dev Trial access on the forums where, the HoD (Heads of Department) will then contact you via skype or forums and will discuss a trial piece. The HoD is there to assist you. But youtube and forums are often a great place to ask for help from other members in the team.
Upon successful completion of the trial piece, you maybe promoted to CON status, this will depend on a few things. IE - Commitment to learning, Time it took (Dont worry we dont expect these models to be done in a few days), activity on the forums and skype.

If there are any further questions on this, please pm me and we can discuss things further.

Cheers all and happy hunting.[/spoiler]

Edit : PR 2 est developpé sous Cry Engine 3.

_________________ ... b507833066

PostPosted: 15 Jan 2014, 10:32 
Posts: 193
User avatar
Bah t'as déjà quelques connaissances, et tu sais, ils t'apprennent ce que tu sais pas si tu connais déjà les bases :D

Mais le temps, c'est clair que c'est pas illimité.... on aimerait en avoir plus des fois :)

_________________ ... b507833066

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