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PostPosted: 18 Aug 2016, 23:54 
Posts: 83
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Dommage qu'il n'y , un sous titrage de leurs commentaires de l'interview publique au Gamescom. Important pour bien comprendre leurs intentions et leurs argumentaires.

Ok le zoom est "léger" et donne juste une peu plus de proximité pour la perception des détails en combat urbain, puis retrouve une dimension plus pr, l'original en vue élargie pour les combats "dégagés" ou de plaine si vous préférez.
Pourquoi pas ...  Pour le moins dans le contexte que présente les vidéos pour le mom, Par contre l'inquiétude sur les distances de tir sont à appréhender sous le biais de la vision. Il ne semble plus que l'ancien combo, "vision d'infanterie + distance de tir blindé", soit toujours d,'ité. L'infanterie quoi que presque toujours posté derrière la ligne blindé dans l'ensemble des phases de combat ou de progression des vidéos ne semble pas procurer un surplus de visibilité.
Ce qui modifie considérablement la jouabilité et l'arcane tactique fondatrice de Sudden. Est ce cela qui vous à fait immédiatement le comp, 'autres jeu du genre ?

L'infanterie sert toujours apparemment de leure et d'accroche de réactivité pour l'IA ennemi, c'est à dire que comme la vision est devenue réduite pour tous, dans le doute de la présence d'un adversaire, faire avancer un fantassin puis le reculer, peut attirer l'adversaire dans le champ de vision donc de distance de tir de vo, ière ligne de blindés. C 'est vieux comme Sudden, mais dans cette perspective de vue restreinte, cela semble être devenu l'outils tactique incontournable.

Ce qui fait que, de fait, le soucis de la distance de tir ne se pose pas en l'état. Car de toute façon, sans adjuvant de vision supplétive et complémentaire, la , en est reléguée à la portion congrue de cette contingence.

 D'autre part, hormis l'effet des phares, je ne suis pas certain de l'angle optique,rectionnelle de la vision des blindés. C'est une question que je pose, qu'avez vous observés sur ce point ?

Edit ; Après avoir visionné la vidéo test Fr, je me suis souvenue d'avoir vu une collision avec repousse d'une épave ou simili épave dans la démo de développeurs lors de l'interview.
A propos des formations, à défaut d'avoir des formations tactiques de progressions conventionnelles, le design du positionnement précédent semble être conservé lors d'une sélection de groupe da, uvement suivant.
C est bien, mais je réitère ma requête sur la possibilité de disposer d'options de formations/dispositions tactiques pré définies militairement.
Il semble y avoir des options d'orientation précises dans la vidéo de Denis, ce qui est un mieux comparé aux anciens Sudden, par contre cela pose question sur la réactivité de l'IA qui semble un peu molle. C'est à dire du genre à ignorer ce qui est en quelque sorte sous son nez, si cela n'est pas directement dans son axe de tir.
Et cela pose une autre question que je n'a,ecore vue évoqué, celle sur l'ordonnancement des préférences de tir en vertu des catégories d'unités, qui se présentent conjointement, dans le champ de vision.

Molon labe !

PostPosted: 19 Aug 2016, 09:00 
Posts: 3947
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Merci pour vos commentaires !

Je recommande de revisionner la vidéo avec les annotations que je viens d'y apporter. En effet j'ai commis quelques approximations et une erreur (au sujet de la marche arrière des véhicules). Il faut dire que les développeurs m'ont finalement lancé sur la pré-alpha allemande, la seule, s disposaient sur place (du coup, vu la langue d'affichage je suis passé à côté de quelques détails). J'ajouterai également que ce direct a vraiment été improvisé, puisqu'à la base il ne pouvait finalement avoir lieu (à ce sujet [b]un grand merci a Chris[/b] qui a été de toutes les attentions avec moi), et que le reste de la journée avec l'équipe puis sur le stand m'a permis de saisir d'autres choses qui ne transparaissent pas ici.

Tu as raison Teuto, le manque de formations se fait sentir. D'autant plus que le rangement "en carrés" avec CTRL semble avoir disparu. Il faudra appuyer sur ce point.

[quote]Et cela pose une autre question que je n'ai pas encore vue évoqué, celle sur l'ordonnancement des préférences de tir en vertu des catégories d'unités, qui se présentent conjointement, dans le champ de vision.[/quote]
La question a déjà été évoquée ici-même par Kortex il me semble. C'est également un point important dont il faudra manifestement (re)parler.

"Délibérer est le fait de plusieurs. Agir est le fait d'un seul."
[Charles De Gaulle]

PostPosted: 19 Aug 2016, 09:44 
Posts: 17
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Vous pensez qu'ils accepteraient de retirer l'effet "traçantes" des tirs d'obus des chars / artillerie pour avoir un résultat un peu plus proche de sudden strike forever ?

~ PCINFOS.FR ; la maison des topics de super_newbie_pro ~

PostPosted: 19 Aug 2016, 17:33 
Posts: 4525
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[quote=" super_newbie_pro"]Je crois qu'il faut du coup poser la question ; ils visent quelle catégorie de joueurs ?  [/que]

Ils savent très bien que ceux qui y jouent (aux anciennes versions) encore seront difficiles à satisfaire car ils ont leurs propres versions.
Après de ce qu'on voit (du solo scénarisé) l'esprit sudden est là non ?

Point de vue multi par contre, vu la jouabilité et les quantités/proportions d'unités la catégorie de joueurs visée est "des jeunes" ou "des nostalgiques de la saga" qui jouaient en solo et seront content d'avoir du multi contre une IA.
Ceux qui jouent à Company of Heroes, Men of War et Codename Panzer y jouent pour la simplicité et le coté "arcade" (bah non voyons la guerre n'est pas si dramatique que ça) puis tous nos hommes sont des "rambos" (renforcé à l'époque par l'effet Call of Duty) ce qui est loin d'être le cas sur Sudden où les hommes meurent cruellement vite à chaque erreur tactique et font défaut par la suite.
D'ailleurs qui trouve ça sympa les traces de chenilles qui massacrent l'aérodrome de fortune dans le champ ... ? Sérieux même les anglais en 42 avaient des pistes en goudrons sur lesquelles aucun char ne peut passer de toute façon :mur: us, pr compeer coté catastrophe, on a souvent plus de véhicules que de soldats ... les véhicules vont vite, peuvent être réparer et puis ça tire intensément.
Le recours aux véhicules enlève en partie le coté "tragique" des combats et ça fait plaisir aux "théoriciens modernes" a qui on a appris "la Blitkrieg sur un bouquin d'école" en disant que "la France avait perdu contre des vagues de panzers allemands en 40 ..."
En oubliant aussi qu'un "panther regiment" c'est environ 600 hommes pour 7 à 14 chars et qu'il y a eu moins de 3000 panthers produits durant la guerre.
Mais qu'importe, il parait que la guerre c'est uniquement [s]des chars[/s], des masses de chars comme dans World of Tanks ...

Sur TS, les allemands avec qui on a pu discuter du jeu ont vu beaucoup de bâtiments et de rues alambiquées sur la vidéo Stalingrad ...
Pour eux aucune "tactique de masse" possible (la map ça sera gérable avec un éditeur) mais on va potentiellement se retrouver avec les mêmes limites qui ont tué les X versions du jeu (GOA, la HSA etc.) en reproduisant toujours les mêmes maps avec 4-5 renforts réguliers de 7/8 chars et 4 camions.
Des maps avec quelques maisons à droite à gauche, un peu de forêt, 2/3 collines défensives avec un zep sur un endroit de la carte sans intérêt (si si l'objectif c'et le champ 914 sur la carte, là où M. Seguin avait sa chèvre en 37).
Il parait que c'est beaucoup plus fun que la Berlin de Shaddock avec des vagues de 100 T34 toutes les 5 mins qui doivent prendre Berlin défendue par des 10 Tigre II ... dans le fond ça fait passer un bon moment de baston (et c'est ce que cherchent la plupart des joueurs).

Les combats pour sécuriser les fermes le long des routes de ravitaillement autour de Carentan tout le monde s'en fiche c'est pas très commercial.


Pourtant je pense qu'il existe une cible, pour produire un jeu "réaliste" avec du scénario (même si non historique) intéressant en sortant des sentiers battus.
C'est dommage qu'ils ne soient pas là ou tous du même avis, mais ceux qui vivent sur place où ceux qui ont eu l'occasion de s'intéresser de près à ces endroits devraient nous aiguiller la dessus pour nous éviter de tous rester enfermer dans la logique consumériste actuelle.

Un peu hors propos mais tout de même ...

Le sudden de base était une extension aux maps historiques de Cossacks, on commence tous avec des quantités troupes fixées à l'avance (parfois égales) et on se débrouille avec pour tenir la colline, le fort etc. pas une map symétrique "type" avec un simple renfort obtenu pour être rester 2min30 sous une position stupide. J'en ai fais des maps comme ça, j'ai apprécié les jouer et après en avoir vu les limites j'ai voulu faire autre chose pour ça que l'on a été amené à modder le jeu.

SS4 pourra peut être changer la donne, pas d'aéroport certes mais des objectifs stratégiques clairs qui offrent des avantages tant que l'on garde la position ...

Myself wrote:
Pas encore Don Love mais bientôt digne de l'être


PostPosted: 22 Aug 2016, 18:31 
Posts: 4525
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Hello Chris,

As co-administrator with Denis, let me welcome you there.
We are really happy and quite enthousiastic to read your first message on our board.
Enjoy your stay among us
As am very curious, I already would like to ask you a question if this is possible: is a beta-test phase planned... ?

Best regards,

Myself wrote:
Pas encore Don Love mais bientôt digne de l'être


PostPosted: 23 Aug 2016, 09:47 
Posts: 17
[o(tuot; Cpt_Love"]Hello Chris,

As co-administrator with Denis, let me welcome you there.
We are really happy and quite enthousiastic to read your first message on our board.
Enjoy your stay among us
As am very curious, I already would like to ask you a question if this is possible: is a beta-test phase planned... ?

Best regards,

Thank you Cpt_Love!
At the moment, there is no widespread beta test planned. The reason for that is manifold. A large beta-test does only make sense if you can communicate everything and quickly react to everything that the beta testers report. Kite Games currently has 23 employees and are fully focused to present a stunning and true-to-the-roots modern-age Sudden Strike experience. I would at least need two or three of them to maintain the beta test plus two or three guys at Kalypso office to work on that as well. So for the time being, we opted to not have a large-scale beta test. But it would of course make sense to get as much feedback from you guys as possible. That is why I found it great to have Denis at our booth. And that is also why we will try to organise some community events in the coming months and some small-scale playtests as well.

PostPosted: 23 Aug 2016, 10:45 
Posts: 3947
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Salut ransom-Ch(-ton, and welcome aboard!

It has been a pleasure and honor to meet and talk to you, Attila, Dino and... Denis (now this is confusing: people will start to think I like talking to myself)!
I really did like this open-minded conversation, and appreciated the team's dedication to its project. I am now convinced all of this is heading towards the right direction!

Thanks for offering the possibility to stream the game and thus test some of its features live on the Internet.

did not talk about the pause option at the Gamescom (or did we?), but (IMHO) clearly the German community has been right to tackle this matter: it is a key feature of [i]Sudden Strike[/i], even allowing you to give orders while the game is paused.
It was part of the [i]"real-time wargame"[/i] feeling of this game at the time (and it still is today, at least in single player missions).

I think it is my turn to shoot a question?... All right then.
I wanted to ask this later during my day in Köln, but at this time it wasn't really possible anymore, so here it is (brace for impact):

I wanted to ask about shooting accuracy. Clearly during gameplay I saw that the units (mostly the tanks) were sometimes missing their target (or maybe it just was my poor aim with the mouse?).
How much random is that, and does accuracy increase when your unit turns "elite" (that "elite status" IS what's replacing the experience level from the other games, right)?

"Délibérer est le fait de plusieurs. Agir est le fait d'un seul."
[Charles De Gaulle]

PostPosted: 23 Aug 2016, 10:53 
Posts: 17
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Hello ransombolton, wl(co this community of enthusiasts . The problem with people like us, is that we expect a certain degree of realism without sacrificing the gameplay. I am not among those who are enthusiastic for SS4 because of what I saw on video. I find the game too oriented assistantship, by passing the board by an automatic translator , you can read our first reviews , mine and those of our passionate friends. Obviously , my opinion can change on your game as it is developing. Personally , if you want an idea of what I want , I'm more attracted to the Company of Heroes Tales of Valor with mod Blitzkrieg (I hate the base game ) , or Sudden Strike Forever . Anyway I wish you luck , because if your game is not suitable for " purist " , if you allow modding with , why not, modding tools to facilitate the work , I have no doubt that the community will create the perfect game through a mod. But i can understand people will not be customer if the "Vanilla" game (original without mod) is not like they would like. This is particularly the case for the majority of my fellow players (only sudden strike forever , it is not like the others) with whom we talked about your SS4 ... Good luck for the final developpment.

Sorry for this bad english, i use google translate.
super_newbie_pro // Obersturmbannführer DaaR - Clan Rommel (RL)

~ PCINFOS.FR ; la maison des topics de super_newbie_pro ~

PostPosted: 23 Aug 2016, 21:51 
Posts: 17
[quote=" DENIS_48"],lnsom-Chris-bolton, and welcome aboard!

It has been a pleasure and honor to meet and talk to you, Attila, Dino and... Denis (now this is confusing: people will start to think I like talking to myself)!
I really did like this open-minded conversation, and appreciated the team's dedication to its project. I am now convinced all of this is heading towards the right direction!

Thanks for offering the possibility to stream the game and thus test some of its features live on the Internet.

did not talk about the pause option at the Gamescom (or did we?), but (IMHO) clearly the German community has been right to tackle this matter: it is a key feature of Sudden Strike, even allowing you to give orders while the game is paused.
It was part of the "real-time wargame" feeling of this game at the time (and it still is today, at least in single player missions).

I think it is my turn to shoot a question?... All right then.
I wanted to ask this later during my day in Köln, but at this time it wasn't really possible anymore, so here it is (brace for impact):

I wanted to ask about shooting accuracy. Clearly during gameplay I saw that the units (mostly the tanks) were sometimes missing their target (or maybe it just was my poor aim with the mouse?).
How much random is that, and does the accuracy increase when your unit turns "elite" (that "elite status" IS what's replacing the experience level from the other games, right)?[/quote]

Hey Denis!

Hope you had a good trip home! Thanks for your visit and the great insight into the community.

As for your question: Every unit has a certain accuracy. That can be improved in various ways. For example with an elite crew (The elite status is actually bound to the crew, not to the vehicle. so if you take the crew out of the vehicle and into another one, that vehicle will become more accuarte). Most of the units have a certain ratio to miss. Also, depending on the armor of the enemy unit, projectiles can ricochet off the armor. That is not only true for very thick armor. It is also important, how the angle of the armor is. Example: A soviet T-70 tank has a very sloped armor at the front. Smaller projectiles will easily ricochet off that armor to all directions although it is not as strong as, say, that of a Tiger.

As for artillery, we use a "zeroing in" feature. Artillery is not very accurate at the beginning of a bombardment. It will hit somewhere in a circle around the designated target. But the more shots are fired at that position, the more accurate the targeting becomes because the artillery crew zeroes in on the target.

I hope this answers your question.

Many greetings

PostPosted: 23 Aug 2016, 22:08 
Posts: 17
[quote=" super_newbie_pro"]He,rombolton, welcome to this community of enthusiasts . The problem with people like us, is that we expect a certain degree of realism without sacrificing the gameplay. I am not among those who are enthusiastic for SS4 because of what I saw on video. I find the game too oriented assistantship, by passing the board by an automatic translator , you can read our first reviews , mine and those of our passionate friends. Obviously , my opinion can change on your game as it is developing. Personally , if you want an idea of what I want , I'm more attracted to the Company of Heroes Tales of Valor with mod Blitzkrieg (I hate the base game ) , or Sudden Strike Forever . Anyway I wish you luck , because if your game is not suitable for " purist " , if you allow modding with , why not, modding tools to facilitate the work , I have no doubt that the community will create the perfect game through a mod. But i can understand people will not be customer if the "Vanilla" game (original without mod) is not like they would like. This is particularly the case for the majority of my fellow players (only sudden strike forever , it is not like the others) with whom we talked about your SS4 ... Good luck for the final developpment.

Sorry for this bad english, i use google translate.
super_newbie_pro // Obersturmbannführer DaaR - Clan Rommel (RL)[/quote]

No problem. You english is fine. Imagine how my french would sound if I would try.
Ok so by "too oriented on assistantship" you mean the systems that we have implemented to give players feedback? Like the badges for tactical play, the UI elements and the trails for projectiles? Yes those are all implemented to  assist new players into the series. But actually, we have purists in our development team as well, people that would like to play without any healthbars or objective indicators for example. And at the moment, we are thinking about an option to just disable all the in-scene-UI elements like health bars and the blue objective circles. Also, we are thinking about an options switch to disable the trails for projectiles. Actually the trails serve to show players the rough angle and area where the attack is coming from. It can only be seen in the viewing range of your units. And it also gives a slight information on the size of the projectile fired. But we understand that some players might not want to see that. So we are thinking about an option to disable them. But I cant promise anything now. Just telling you what the thoughts are at the moment.

Taking Cpt_Love's last comment into account as well, yes we know that there is a very hardcore Sudden Strike community. And we also know that we most probably will not be able to deliver everything that they/you guys want. But we will be listening to all your ideas even though we cant promise anything. The thing is: Sudden Strike 1 and 2 gave a good base to work with for you guys. The ideal games in your head though are based on the various hardcore mods that are around for SuS1 and 2, which are really great. Would the base games though, have delivered the exact experience that the mods had, they would only have resonated with a very hardcore crowd. The same holds truth with Sudden Strike 4. If we ONLY make the game exactly like the hardcore crowd wants it, it would sell to the hardcore crowd, and only to the hardcore crowd. And I am not saying this because of money. I am saying this because we want to revive the series. But if the only persons buying Sudden Strike 4 are the hardcore crowds, chances for a Sudden Strike 5 or 6 would be very low. So we need to make it easier for new players to get into the game, at least for the base game. That way, the Sudden Strike series will be revived, new players will come into this community and that would be a good thing for all of us, right?
Whatever is done with mods/special modes/addons etc. then is a different thing. That is why we are trying to be as active as possible in this and other communities, trying to listen to you guys.
Once again: We can not promise anything. But we will read most everything on this and other forums. Because we know that it is guys like you that have kept this series alive over all these years.

PostPosted: 24 Aug 2016, 09:19 
Posts: 17
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[quote=" ransombolton"]you mean the syst,t we have implemented to give players feedback? Like the badges for tactical play, the UI elements and the trails for projectiles? Yes those are all implemented to  assist new players into the series. But actually, we have purists in our development team as well, people that would like to play without any healthbars or objective indicators for example. And at the moment, we are thinking about an option to just disable all the in-scene-UI elements like health bars and the blue objective circles.[/quote]
yes, its that. Excellent new [quot"ransombolton"]Also, we are thinking about an options switch to disable the trails for projectiles. Actually the trails serve to show players the rough angle and area where the attack is coming from. It can only be seen in the viewing range of your units. And it also gives a slight information on the size of the projectile fired. But we understand that some players might not want to see that. So we are thinking about an option to disable them. But I cant promise anything now. Just telling you what the thoughts are at the moment.[/quote]
it's nice to see that you have thought of a solution for purists . Thank you :)<- s:) -y the, ybe, ase speakf options to disable all that, why not consider one more option as " shooting range dubbed " so that the tanks can fire twice as far range ? Or more options in a panel "realistic mod" with differents options. In multiplayers, the Gamer "Host" settings would be automatically apply to gamers join the game. So, it would be a good idea in the list of games we could join, to see if its "normal" game or "realistic options" for people want know what type of game they want join. (And dont forget this excellent option of Sudden Strike forever, for multiplayers, people join a game, if they have not the map of the "HOST", the game automatically download the custom map if we click on "yes" when the choice come "you have not this map. Do you want DL it ?"

if you need beta testers, or even opinions about the gameplay of the pre- alpha , it would be a good idea to put some of the game download with a passkey eg valid 48 hours ( time to a weekend) so we do our test and give you our feedback when you need it. (Or other method to test)

~ PCINFOS.FR ; la maison des topics de super_newbie_pro ~

PostPosted: 24 Aug 2016, 09:54 
Posts: 1290
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Hello Ransombotton, thank you for taking the time to listen to the Fran,ccommunity.

I want to raise a primordial point. Here, after watching the first video, almost all players agree that a clear problem of Sudden 4 is:

- Too short shots distances (especially for tanks and artillery) and vision distances (especially for infantery)

What's your opinion on that point ?

I'm pretty sure, if this is not fixed, modders will fixe that 2 weeks after de release of the game

Tryudden Strike Fusion for exemple, to see what are our shoots distances. I think you can easily apply a x1,5-x2 without gameplay problem.

One other point we want to talk is the Shoot Preferences for each unit. How do you program this ? Because we had to make a big job on fusion to correct this field. For exemple, in Sudden 2, a soldier with Panzerschreck was firing on infantery. In fusion, he prefers walk and shoot on the Panzer. That's an important point for us, for the gameplay.

Here can you see our job on this :


PostPosted: 24 Aug 2016, 12:42 
Posts: 17
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[quote]especially for tanks and artillery[/quote]
+1. For me, , a serious problem with artillery. She should not be able to fire at less than two screens, but can reach 3 or 4 screens. If not, there is no strategy possible to use it. After, i think its not the priority for now, they need finih the game code first, and only after work on that. EDIT ; i would like the best gameplay for the artillery ==> one shot for one click on the battleground like Sudden strike forever, and be able to say top if we do 10 clicks for 10 shots, to re-do it on other locaton if the target move. For me the artillery system of company of heroes is very bad for a full control and for a real strategic game where we need a full control of the battle and quickly move / decisions. In SSF battles with my clan, always i command my guys (humans players) to report shots when we move, witout a full control (one click = one shot if not, one click for a lot of shots is impossible)

For me, the quality of one game , besides the beauty of the graphics, the gameplay for the purists , is its diversity of explosions, smokes, behavior of men in action or waiting, he has to be alive. Its important we do not feel that they do the same thing all the time, but it need more coding / more work on the programm... The diversity of attitudes is also , for the information, one of the largest CA challenge for his series total war , they continually try to put more and more, with each new title.

When we open fire with artillery, i would like, as in Sudden strike forever, say ; F*** where is the ennemy artillery ??? And give orders to my men to go in each direction to find it !! It was very exciting in SSF in multiplayers when one friend find ennemy artillery and give the position on the MAP with CTRL ; all players reoriented their artillery to perform shelling the indicated position of the ennemy artillery. It was very very fun !!! Please do the same work for SS4.

I would like, when i give the order to my 500 soldiers / 30 tanks to attack the ennemy with my allied, to not be able to see the ground battle after long minutes of fights, cause to smokes / debris in the air, and ennemy could retreat taking advantage of the chaos of the battlefield became hardly visible... On the old game Settlers 2 its vey very fun after a massiv attack to look with difficulty the ground battle cause all house burn... it gives an apocalyptic atmosphere... And me not stopping swearing because of the ten seconds needed to see what happens could change my advantage of the situation, ordering my players from my clan to perform a massiv fire fed dam in the back in case he should fall back...

I would like give the order to stop the attack to have time to move artillery for closer... I would like no soldier dead body disappears , and the carcasses of vehicles are also, as in Total War , and at worst, they could be destroyed by other tanks that hits them if you think you need remove them

In conclusion, i would like paid for Sudden Strike Forever with HD / 4K graphics + possibility to have IA in multplayers with humans players. Maybe you could do it with SS4 even if its a new graphic engine ? Please unlock the limit of units in game for people like me, like battles with 300 tanks / 2000 soldiers tec... Its a problem in SSF ; i have many map crash because too many units ^^<- s^^ -n exe aut that on RomTotal War when he was release, max in battle with my first computer was 7.000 soldiers. With my last computer, 33.000 soldiers. And its fun because today we have excellent mods on Rome total War. SS4 could be in the same situation. You can do what you want, juste take the good decision for your game.

EDIT ; AHAHAHA ransombolton i have a very bad idea now, if you have one or two guys from the dev team leave your company, he could propose the "Sudden Strike Forever 2" or "Sudden Strike Forever Refresh" like i suggest and work on it for a new licence why not with funding platform ^^ cause o Frenchommuny Didotind proammers le to doing it

~ PCINFOS.FR ; la maison des topics de super_newbie_pro ~

PostPosted: 24 Aug 2016, 16:50 
Posts: 4525
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33 000 soldats par joueurs en 6v6 tu te rends compte de ce que ça représente ? Sur, termes de synchronisation de mouvements et de données ...
D'ailleurs même à raison de 300 chars et 2000 soldats (par joueurs ?) (faudrait plutôt viser 300 chars et 20000 soldats pour être réaliste et encore on oublie qu'il y a 5x 300 équipages Maiau fond, c'est quoi le jeu ? Clic gauche enfoncé je sélectionne tout puis clic droit sur le camp ennemi j'envoie tout ?
[spoiler]Dire qu'une division de tigre c'était 30 chars et 2000 soldats, tu es le furher avec 300 tigres. D'ailleurs, historiquement en dehors de Koursk les concentrations d'unités lorgnaient plus avec une map de Rommel qu'avec Bagration et CaoBang[/spoiler]

Si l'on mélange jeu de stratégie et telles quantités soit on a une IA qui gère ce que l'on ne peut gérer quand on se concentre sur une opération parachutage ou le sauvetage de son KT soit on a tellement de KT qu'on s'en fiche ...

C'est l'esprit de certains joueurs ici ou ailleurs, de certains mods (notamment à l'étranger) qui ne comportent que des maps proposant ça.
Loin de l'esprit de sudden ou de toute stratégie (la stratégie est alors au niveau de l'équipe à savoir où se regrouper et où attaquer ok ...) et pas la peine d'avoir un jeu réaliste à ce niveau il me semble (d'ailleurs Supreme Commander est très bien pour ça comme jeu).

Comme dirait de manière bienveillante un syndicaliste, ce sont des différences de revendications, il en faut mais si l'on vise un jeu "réaliste" nos revendications doivent justement rester "réalistes".

Je suis par contre largement d'accord avec toi sur les histoires de technologies.
-> Etion Window(portalité à LINUX c'est cool ça mais avec les soucis de drivers graphiques ça fait peur d'avance)
->-- s-t; --Résolutns FulHD,K
Steam po la gtion s vers, desods et du réseau. A ce titrça po de nvelles estionsur la gestion IPv6 ou sur les interfaces "type switcher" pour la mise en relation des joueurs en multi

Myself wrote:
Pas encore Don Love mais bientôt digne de l'être


PostPosted: 24 Aug 2016, 17:00 
Posts: 17
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33 000 soldats par joueurs en 6v6 tu te rends compte , e ça représente ? Surtout en termes de synchronisation de mouvements et de données ...[/quote:7pdmbnso]
Non mais je ne parle pas de 33.000 soldat par joueur ! Dans SSF c'était les créateurs des cartes qui définissaient le nombre de renforts. On n'est pas obligé de mettre le max que le jeu peut supporter. Sur une carte 6Vs6 on peut jouer à 1vs1 et avoir donc l'équivalent de toutes les unités de nos alliés si on jouait à plusieurs. L'intérêt de débrider le nombre d'unités, c'est d'élargir les possibilités du jeu, pas de faire qu'on ait 30.000 hommes qui courent partout :surpris:itle=rpris!-- @2: -->mg src=tp:// alt=:@2: title=furieux (2/>

~ PCINFOS.FR ; la maison des topics de super_newbie_pro ~

PostPosted: 24 Aug 2016, 17:06 
Posts: 17
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[, uot;DENIS_48"]Vu ce qu'il en a été dit par ailleurs, et la conversation eue à la Gamescom, je pense qu'il est réalis, nser que le jeu pourra supporter un peu moins de 1000 unités simultanées en temps réel. Mais je peux me tromper, ou ca peut évoluer. Chris saura sans nul doute en dire plus et mieux que moi sur le sujet.[/quote]
Je ne sais pas ce que tu en pense, mais sur une immense carte 6vs6, ça voudrait dire que le jeu ne pourrait pas supporter plus de : 1000 divisé par 12 = 83 unités max par joueurs ? Ca craint...  :euh: Borés son partur duvs2 ça remonte à 250... mais perso je trouve ça trop limite...  :'( espère 'ils cngero la cse
EDIT ;!-- m >http:/[quot"ransombolton"]Also, we are thinking about an options switch to disable the trails for projectiles. Actually the trails serve to show players the rough angle and area where the attack is coming from. It can only be seen in the viewing range of your units. And it also gives a slight information on the size of the projectile fired. But we understand that some players might not want to see that. So we are thinking about an option to disable them. But I cant promise anything now. Just telling you what the thoughts are at the moment.[/quote]
it's nice to see that you have thought of a solution for purists . Thank you :)<- s:) -y the, ybe, ase speakf options to disable all that, why not consider one more option as " shooting range dubbed " so that the tanks can fire twice as far range ? Or more options in a panel "realistic mod" with differents options. In multiplayers, the Gamer "Host" settings would be automatically apply to gamers join the game. So, it would be a good idea in the list of games we could join, to see if its "normal" game or "realistic options" for people want know what type of game they want join. (And dont forget this excellent option of Sudden Strike forever, for multiplayers, people join a game, if they have not the map of the "HOST", the game automatically download the custom map if we click on "yes" when the choice come "you have not this map. Do you want DL it ?"

if you need beta testers, or even opinions about the gameplay of the pre- alpha , it would be a good idea to put some of the game download with a passkey eg valid 48 hours ( time to a weekend) so we do our test and give you our feedback when you need it. (Or other method to test)[/quote]

Certainly some nice ideas. We will have to see if they are realistic and manageable.

PostPosted: 24 Aug 2016, 17:16 
Posts: 4525
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[quote=" su, ie_pro"] pour cossack 3 jusqu'à 10.000 unités sur la carte ! donc c'est possible. Aprés si c'est à cause , r du jeu ou des graphismes de SS4, là on n'y peut rien et ça ne fera que renforcer ma conviction,[/quote]

J'ai eu déjà jusqu'à 30000 soldats sur une map sur Ameriquan Conquest
D'ailleurs en 2002 avec Art of war on flirtait avec 16 000 unités (mais ça ramait et c'était bourrin). Après la course aux unités (on dirait la course aux pixels pour les APN) tout le monde devient réaliste et préfère une qualité plus raisonnable plutôt que les quantités astronomiques.
Si tu en as l'occasion, rejoues au jeu maintenant ton pc ultra puissant, le jeu est horrible car tout va ultra vite même en vitesse mini (à cause de la puissance du cpu)

Myself wrote:
Pas encore Don Love mais bientôt digne de l'être


PostPosted: 24 Aug 2016, 17:17 
Posts: 17
[quote=" Romme, ;]Hello Ransombotton, thank you for taking the time to listen to the Francophone community.

I want to raise a primordial point. Here, after , the first video, almost all players agree that a clear problem of Sudden 4 is:

- Too short shots distances (especially for tanks and artillery) and vision distances (especially for infantery)

What's your opinion on that point ?

I'm pretty sure, if this is not fixed, modders will fixe that 2 weeks after de release of the game

Tryudden Strike Fusion for exemple, to see what are our shoots distances. I think you can easily apply a x1,5-x2 without gameplay problem.

One other point we want to talk is the Shoot Preferences for each unit. How do you program this ? Because we had to make a big job on fusion to correct this field. For exemple, in Sudden 2, a soldier with Panzerschreck was firing on infantery. In fusion, he prefers walk and shoot on the Panzer. That's an important point for us, for the gameplay.

Here can you see our job on this :


Hey Rommel53!

The question of shooting ranges is a central one in the hardcore communities at the moment. As Denis already pointed out, SuS1 did have smaller ranges and the large ranges only came in with mods, etc. At the moment, I am gathering info and opinions in all the forums about this and then i will talk to the devs and then I will come back with a longer text about the ranges.

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