está tudo bem Rodrigo!
Planes seem like directly drawn from IL2 (simulation game), as they look very nice with camouflage and realistic details.
We would like you now to actualize now, to briefly summerize your goals with your mod,[/b] which seem like being visually nice and attractive.
If I summerize here the information you gave us so far :[/u]
[quote]-Hidden Stroke 4 is a major upgrade of Hidden Stroke 3
1º Effects of a New
2º Units Replacement/Improvement
3º Modification of the firepower of some units
4º Editor with more resources to develop more realistic maps
5º The most important thing to help you who understands better than me in the files of the HS form of additions to add new units new effects and others[/quote]
[quote]Anyone know tell me if it is possible to add fuel in the game because with the HS4 Hs2fusion are the same files etc..
has as good if someone could teach me how to add fuel[/quote]
Well, in order to add fuel to your game, you need to start modding a Resource War based game. Original HS2 cannot have fuel (because it's based on SS2.2, not RW).[/quote]
[u]Some remarks here :[/u]
1- ?[/b] [this can't I understand, what were you here driving at?]
[u]2- [/u][/b]we approve your nice models
[u]3-[/u][/b] in which sense?
Actually, [b]
[u]the "basic debates" we had were going around the opposition between "realism" and "arcade playing".[/u][/b]
As the new "RW" mod being played on arena seems to us, to be too much such an [b]
[u]unrealistic "arcade playing"[/u][/b], we were up to now, [b]
[u]aiming to correct[/u][/b] the basic "HS2" in [b]
[u]to a more "realistic" mod[/u][/b], that is to say (for instance :
1-10 infantry men can be wiped out by a single 88 shot if standing idiotically without getting to cover...but an infantrymen alone creeping to cover can survive more and more against canon shells,
2-A tank can either resist to 10 shells if not efficient enough, from front for instance, at last he just can lose a track ex : 45mm shooting at a Tiger)
But from side or if wrong manoeuvre is done, the same tank can be badly hit by one single shot, ambushed canon from rear/side for instance)
[u]So the question here is to know :[/u] [b]
[u]in which direction you guys wanna go, so that we coule determine what we could bring each other.[/u][/b]
It is not a matter of forcing each other, or wanting to influence you. But your idea of a community across atlantic meets our wishes. And there is certainly a market "spot" to be taken, [u]between :[/u]
[u]-Fusion (HS2 basis) : [/u]still some upgrade to set but we feel the limit of developpement going nearer (actually we use this as a "technologic demonstrator" to see what can / cannot be upgraded, and to which limit, this experience will be usefull for us all)
[u]-RW (SS2-RW basis): [/u]the fuel dimension is interesting, really strategic to gain game interest. BUT they made an arcade gaming by strenghtening infantry (1), suppressing zone effect weapon (artillery, even a flak shell (theoritically : with schrapnell) cant blow more than one guy, even if sometimes directly hit.

[u]So we had the idea [/u][/b](theoritically here, no t any began now as we end before fusion) of [b]
[u]switching LATER from a HS2 modding basis (Fusion) to a "RW basis", allowing fuel and other properties to enrich the game [/u][/b] (for instance, to put some really ralistic lign of sight [LOS] for armoured vehicles)

5- [/b] [u]as I told you, for now :[/u]

[u]we still developp further, some 2/3 month more, our fusion mod.[/u][/b]
But as we encountered limitations with adding units or other limits, [b]
[u]we only concluded up to now, that we should LATER switch to an other "basis" [/u][/b](a mod from SS2, here speaking about "Ressource War") [b]
[u]to allow fuel and other upgrades, but in a realistic way[/u][/b].

Then in our mind (so far...), it would theoritically become something like a [b]
[u]"fusion meets RW-mod"[/u][/b] [the latest].
[u]However:[/u] I don't play it often, but when I played it [b]
[u]I used to appreciate HS3 as it seemes to me (precisely) realistic.[/u][/b] Also our friend Punisher took part in its developement. So if you want to reach something in going the same way, we would certainly be interested in taking part in the development with you (the more we are, the more we can divide the work and lead every idea to its end, synergy!)
[u]So we think about today (after having finished our last Fusion-mod upgrade, BUT having encountered the limits of a SS2 basis with especially no possibility to add fuel or new units) :[/u]
[u]I-switching to RW :[/u][/b] taking the new RW basis mod, replacing units (with your new, beautiful ones), and giving them more realistics features and characteristics (damages, infantry resistance...).
[u]II-[/u][/b](ONLY if we encounter imperative unit number limitation) divide the same mod (HS4 or RW-improved or whatever the name) into two :
-a [u]"1943-pack" [/u](every units till 1943, to add for instance more possibilities during Battle of France, Finland, and so one), ...
-... and a [u]"1946-pack"[/u] (covering units from 1940 till 1946, suppressing the units no longer use after the beinning of the war
[u]III-naming it "HS4" appears to be the best idea,[/u][/b] if we manage to succedd in bringing our ideas to their end

So, now, what we need :[/u][/b]
Could you please dress us a [b]
[u]list of the improvement you want to add to your mod,[/u][/b] so that we perhaps could cooperate later and divide the work / make each other take benefit from the work of the others.
[u]For now[/u], we still put our realistic "fusion" mod to its very end, but we already have some ideas that can't be included under that "fusion" (not the "SS2 basis"), and then are tabbeled and could be used under our project (SS2-RW basis).
I'll drop you here the list later, so that we could set up together a list of thing about which we aggree.
[u]And Lastly, 2 questions :[/u][/b]
[u]-> 1- how many modders are you?[/u][/b]
[u]here we are :[/u] 3 "modders" and 3 "consultants", about military realism (we have the right man at the right place

there is also twin-site with 2 old modders (actually they only develop for now an ununteresting mod under RW, but we would use their work further if they put any other interesting innovations)

[u]Do you kow people able to craft new units "from the beginning" [/u][/b](or did you all drawn from the "liberation mod")?
By us it remains limited:
- Ok for infantrymen (Jee and Killgame made some greats models,
- Ok for made-up units from previously existing ones (but it still remains some DIY [do-it-yourself] crafting)
- NOK for "brand new" units, Alas!
And adding to this difficulty, the number of [u]
available places[/u] (under fusion) [b]
[u]for units added [/u][/b]remains very, very short .
[u]however [/u]units addition from a previously existing model remains available, for instance :
- we add a "rocket-typhoon", with the previosly existing "typhoon Jabo" [Jäger-Bomber, Fighter-Bomber]. This cause no bogue so far.
- idem for infantrymen : adding a new name for a pre-existing (but re-colored) guy remains possible.
[size=150]So far so good? Hope already was clear for you here
